Call Recording's Not Just For Compliance
We're finding that demand for Vision Record - our fully embedded call recording solution for SpliceCom's range of soft, hard and virtual PBXs - is growing across all industries. It now doesn't matter if an organisation is required to record all calls for regulatory purposes or not, in an increasingly litigious society call recording is fast becoming a must, no matter what business you are in.
Correctly implemented call recoding solution can:
- Resolve disputes.
- Confirm that customer-facing staff are using the correct terminology and phrases to maximise revenue and customer satisfaction.
- Provide focus for staff training.
- Provide valuable marketing information.
- Help to create a more successful business.
- Ultimately, save a business or keep it operational - the smaller the business the more important this last fact becomes.
There are now so many examples of how call recording is being harnessed by businesses around the world that its value to an organisation is limited only by the manner in which they choose, or conversely are forced by their suppliers, to apply the technology to their voice communications.
Externally sourced Call Recording Systems are normally utilised where the existing - and in some cases new - PBX, Unified Communications or business phone system has not been designed to support embedded apps from the outset. This is usually because although the platform might be new, its core operating system was developed in the last Century. This applies to the "Large Brand Name" manufacturers as well as the low-cost "open source" PBX systems on the market.
Vendors recommend this combination either because the PBX cannot provide integrated call recording or the call recording capabilities it does provide do not meet today's requirements. These companies utilise third party "bolt-on" call recording systems to fill their void.
SpliceCom recognise and respect some of the leading call recording systems made by third parties. However, nothing compares to the benefits of a PBX system that has been designed from the ground up to offer advanced call recording capabilities through embedded apps within the system. Implemented in an identical and consistent manner on On-premise, Cloud, Hosted and Hybrid SpliceCom systems, Vision Record is integrated seamlessly to provide our customers with everything they need to achieve their business goals, without compromise, third party support agreements and the typical technology ?its their fault? challenges that prevail today.