Don't Forget Management When It Comes To Mobility!
We strongly believe that when it comes to modern business practice and in particular flexible working, it's workforce mobility that all too frequently gets the lion's share of the focus, often to the detriment of management needs.
We've previously stated that there are now three types of employee; those that are always in the office, those that are always out of the office and those that are sometimes in and sometimes out of the office. For simplicity we tend to call these Ins, Outs and Nomads. But exactly the same holds true at the management and directorial levels as well, where if anything, the need to be connected to the business, especially whilst away from the office, is even more critical.
Web based technologies, the proliferation of smartphones and tablets and the emergence of high-speed network services in the form of 3G/4G and Public WiFi mean that there's now no excuse to be out-of-the-loop just because you're at the airport, on a train or in a taxi - or even in a meeting - should the need arise.
The traditional way of thinking of Management as the "Ins" has long gone. Today they're probably going to be Nomads, the smaller the business the more likely it is that this will be the case. Technology is the great leveler for all sizes of operation here; you can still see how your teams are performing in real-time whilst you're out of the office, you can deal with a dispute knowledgably and even select and listen to call recordings on your mobile device. It's the world we envisaged when we developed Vision, our own Business Management system, around browser-based access. By fusing historical reporting, real-time dashboards and wallboards and call recording into a single integrated solution that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, we've been delivering on the promise of true geographical independence for well over five years now. For SpliceCom customers, there's no reason for Managers and Directors to feel disenfranchised just because they're out of the office. Business practices are changing, but technology will continue to be developed to underpin and in some cases accelerate, or even create, these changes.